The Government of India have enacted the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act-2014 (Act-6 of 2014), as per which, the State of Andhra Pradesh has been bifurcated into two States viz., Andhra Pradesh & Telangana from the appointed day i.e. 2nd June, 2014. The APSSCA is listed in the Tenth Schedule of the Act at Serial No. 20 in the "List of Training Institutions / Centres" for continuance of facilities in certain State Institutions to cater to the needs of the public.

As per the Act, APSSCA is bifurcated in to Two Seed Certification Agencies viz. APSSCA and TSSCA meant to serve the purpose of Certification in A.P. and Telangana, respectively.

Accordingly, Telangana State Seed Certification Agency (TSSCA) was registered on 5th July 2014 vide No.390 of 2014 under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001. The Govt. of Telangana nominated the Director to the Telangana State Seed Certification Agency to start functioning in the geographical area of Telangana State. The Govt of Telangana also constituted the Governing Board vide G.O.Rt.No.39 Dated 18.07.2014 with the Principal Secretary to Government (Agriculture & Co-operation Dept.) as Chairman, and the Director of TSSCA as Member-Secretary for developing over all policy guidelines in Certification in line with the Acts, Provisions and Central Seed Certification Board`s (CSCB) recommendations.

Subsequently, the TSSCA was renamed as Telangana State Seed & Organic Certification Authority (TSSOCA) in 2016.

The Head Office and Zonal Office of TSSOCA are located at Hyderabad. The five divisional offices covering entire state of Telangana are located at Hyderabad, Warangal, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Gadwal. The two notified Seed Testing Laboratories of TSSOCA are functioning one each at Rajendranagar and Karimnagar.

Each division is a major centre for Certified seed production of one or more crops like Paddy in Karimnagar, Warangal, and Hyderabad divisions; and Groundnut in Gadwal and Bengal gram in Gadwal and Nizamabad divisions; Soybean and Bajra in Nizamabad division; and Pulses in Warangal division.

It is needless to emphasize that the TSSOCA is acting as an instrument of the State to comply with the Governmental purposes envisaged under the Seeds Act, 1966 in making available the high quality seeds of the Notified Kind and Varieties through Certification. It ensures genetic identity and purity of the certified seeds as per the prescribed standards contemplated in the Act. The Certified seed produced in the state is catering to the needs of farmers within as well as outside the state of Telangana.

TSSOCA is a service oriented organization sustaining on its own revenues realized through charges levied for various certification services rendered to the seed producers/growers.