It is a system of farming which avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers for sustainable agriculture.
It is a process by which the certification body guarantees that the agricultural production or processing system of the operator has been carefully assessed and conforms to the specified requirements under National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) .
Certification is essentially aimed at regulating and facilitating the sale of organic products to consumers.
Any production where the same unit is growing, breeding, handling or processing the same products in a certified organic and a non-certified organic system
Grower groups are organized group of farmers who produce organic products/engage in organic processes in accordance with the National Standards for Organic production. The grower group shall consist of minimum 25 and maximum 500 farmers.
A certificate issued by the accredited certification body to its operator annually for their specific activity in terms of production, processing and trading.
A certificate issued by the accredited certification body to its operator for every sale of his product to the buyer.
Organic certificate valid for one year from the date mentioned on the certificate. Once you have entered in to the certification system, you must apply for annual renewal to maintain your certification status.
Before using the label, the certification body has to approve it for correctness.
Organic standards are the set of “rules” which, as a registered organic producer, you must follow in order to maintain your certificate which will allow you to sell produce as organic.
No, there are no limitations.
A web based traceability system for use by the registered operators and accredited certification bodies under the NPOP.
Yes, if organic seeds are not available, use the chemically untreated conventional seed.
No, strictly prohibited.
Through the use of biological and cultural practices such as crop rotation, diversification, habitat management, beneficial organism releases, sanitation and timing.
Through cultural and mechanical methods such as the rotation of crops that suppress weeds, mulching, tillage, cultivation, water management and manual weeding.
Through cultural, biological, and physical methods such as rotation, sanitation, pruning and selection of disease resistant varieties.
Look for certification logo on the product for example NPOP's India Organic logo
OECD is the logo of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development