TSOCA Services
TSOCA is providing the following services:
Crop Production (including Agriculture, Horticulture crops and Plantations)
Wild Collection Products
Organic Inputs (Bio-pesticides & Bio-fertilizers etc.,) approval.
Individual Operator:
Individual operator can directly register with certification body by paying requisite fee and documents.
Grower Groups:
  • Grower groups are organized group of farmers/producers who intend to produce organic products/engaged in organic processes in accordance with the National Standards of Organic Production (NSOP)
  • The grower group certification is based on Internal Control System (ICS)
  • It is applicable to producer groups, farmer’s cooperatives, contract production and small scale processing units.
  • The producers in the group must apply similar production systems and the farms should be in geographical proximity.
  • The group shall consist of minimum 25 and maximum 500 members. Individual farms with land holding of 4 ha and above can also be a part of the group but will have to be inspected separately by external certification body every year. The total of such farms shall be less than 50% the total area of the group.